Here at City Church, we love to help people identify their gifts and show them how they can turn their strengths into meaningful action. So whether your gifting is a welcoming smile, brewing hot coffee, or discipling the next generation, we have a place for you!

Below you will find all the areas you can get involved in!


    We partner with families to encourage the next generation to develop a true relationship with God. We have three distinct groups to serve and support: Children (6 weeks–1st grade), Elementary (grades 2–5), and Club 56 (grades 5 & 6).


    Our student ministry is committed to building relationships with young people so we can point them to Jesus. We have a dynamic service on Wednesday night! City Youth includes grades 7–12.


    One of our pillars of ministry here at City Church is Community. We believe God uses the community of the church body to help us look more like Jesus. And we have seen God do powerful work within the setting of City Groups.

    Sign up to lead or host a City Group today!


    Our Guest Services Ministry Team helps to provide a welcoming, joyful, and friendly environment. Through our interactions with every individual who enters our doors, we display the love of Jesus.

    Our teams include: Parking lot, Café, Greeters, Welcome Center, Lobby Hosts, and Ushers. These teams also support other events throughout the week.


    We are designed to worship God. As worshipers, singers, and musicians passionately pursuing the presence of God, we can use our talents and gifts in the ministry of corporate worship. Our worship team’s goal is to facilitate worship.


    This team is responsible for making our weekly services and events run smoothly week after week.

    We are always looking for talented filmmakers, editors, photographers, graphic designers, and artists who want to invest their talents in the Kingdom.

    Team members include: sound technicians, camera operators, visual & lighting operators, stage setup, and IT support.


    Doing life together with other believers is what helps us thrive. That is what discipleship provides. Prayer is one of the most powerful spiritual tools we have. We have intercessory prayer teams and ministry prayer teams.

    There are many available opportunities to serve on this team including mentoring, teaching, and our prayer teams.


    Our Outreach team has many oppertunites to positively impact our local community. We meet at Dégagé Ministries on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of every month to minister to the homeless and those in need in downtown Grand Rapids. We also minister to the Hillview neighborhood in Rockford. And we have our pro-life group, Sidewalk Advocates for Life.