Creating A God-Sized Impact By Investing In Our Greenville Campus!

Our Greenville campus began in 2019 and has spent the first four years at various temporary locations. As the Greenville campus continues to grow, we want to make room for all God is doing. Last year, God made a way for us to purchase land at Frügthaven Farm, which is in the heart of Greenville! Our goal is to build a place to call home for this campus and begin a legacy in the city of Greenville. However, we cannot complete this goal without

ALL of us going ALL IN!

Our Funding Goal

Our goal is $3.5 million to complete this project!

By God’s grace, and through generous giving, we were able to pay cash for the property itself. As of now, we will be going into this project with $250,000 of equity!

Now, as we look to begin the building phase of this project, we are looking at every aspect of this project to maximize our resources and secure the most cost-effective materials. We plan to build a beautiful building that will continue to be a place for outreach to the community and leave a legacy for generations to come.

Thank you for your consideration, your generosity, and for being a part of our community.


1000 INDIVIDUAL gifts of

$3,500 OR


UNTIL SEPTember 2025

Each Gift Helps Make a Larger Dent in Our Overall Budget


Above & Beyond Your Normal Giving

If you want to participate in this project but don’t have the financial resources, we are also seeking donations of your talents and time. We are looking for carpenters, contractors, and electricians who are willing to donate their expertise.


You can setup recurring gifts online by selecting the “All In-Greenville Building Campaign” as the fund.

WEEKLY / Monthly

You can give a one-time gift online below by selecting the “All In-Greenville Building Campaign” as the fund.


Let us know what you can commit to giving over the next 18 months. The campaign will run from April 2024 to September 2025.

Pledge Commitment