Join a Class

  • Discipleship

    These three groups of discipleship work on building relationships as they focus on spiritual truths.

    Discipleship 01 is a 7-week group designed to help you build a strong spiritual foundation on Jesus and give you the tools you need to live a productive and fruitful life in Him.

    Discipleship 02 is a 6-week group designed to help you build a strong “spiritual house” that will withstand the storms of life as you make a difference for the Kingdom of God.

    Discipleship 03 is a 7-week group designed to train you to become a disciple maker.

  • Art of Marriage

    A great marriage is a work of art. The Art of Marriage helps couples understand God’s plan for relationships. The workshop weaves together expert teaching, real life stories, humorous vignettes and more to portray both the challenges and the beauty of God’s design for marriage.

    This class is offered once a year, and is open to couples of any age or stage.

  • Parent Connect

    These studies are designed to help parents and grandparents find new ways to integrate faith into everyday parenting moments. We do this while creating an environment where we can shoulder burdens together, celebrate breakthroughs, relate to one another’s parenting journey, and grow in our own journey as Christ followers.

    There are different sessions of this class offered throughout the year.

  • Breaking Free

    Breaking Free is a weekend workshop held four times a year that goes through the Bondage Breaker book by Neil Anderson.

    It leads people through steps to gain freedom from sinful habits, bad/wrong repetitive thought patterns, and strongholds of the enemy. This teaching helps individuals establish an understanding of their identity in Christ, of life as a believer, and trains them on how to stand in the authority we possess as children of God.

  • Conquer Series

    This is a 10-week course that is held a couple times a year. The class is aimed at helping men gain freedom from addiction to pornography and other sexual sins. To view the online courses, click here

    This is a prerequisite class to the 7 Pillars class.

  • 7 Pillars

    7 Pillars of Freedom is an ongoing accountability group for graduates of the Conquer Series. Meetings are held almost every week throughout the year.

  • Betrayal and Beyond

    This class is designed to help bring healing to women who have experienced broken trust through their husband’s sexual addiction. God desires to bring restoration and lay a new foundation of healing and grace.

    Meetings are every other week and are offered throughout the year.

  • Divorce Care

    Divorce Care is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making.

    This program is offered twice a year.